Justin Barker


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Before We Began

Justin was a storyteller who did his work behind the camera. As a Channel Director at Creative Live and a videographer for educators and entrepreneurs, he helped craft other people’s stories to share with the world. But as so often happens, something shifted and he began to feel the pull to tell his own tale — an incredible story about how, as a teen, he saved two black bears who were confined in terrible conditions in a tiny cage in a little park in his neighborhood.

When I first heard this story, I thought that it must have been his parents who did all the work to raise more than a quarter-million dollars and rally local, regional,l and national media to get behind the cause. But it wasn’t: It was this shy, lonely, often-bullied 14-year-old misfit kid.

I worked with Justin to define who his audience was, what his message was, and how he could best tell his story. I supported him while he wrote forward.

What’s The Big Idea?

The book Justin wrote — Bear Boy: The True Story of a Boy, Two Bears, and the Fight to Be Free — is a story about respecting the rights of all creatures and fighting for those who can’t speak for themselves. It’s not just the story of animal liberation. It’s also the story of Justin coming to terms with his own identity as a queer man. It’s a memoir, a manifesto, and a call to arms to young people to fight for what they believe in.

Back when he was fighting for the bears, Justin met the activist Jane Goodall. He maintained a cordial relationship with her over the years. When he finished his book, he sent her the manuscript to request a blurb. She offered to write the foreward.

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The Outcome

Justin pitched more than 50 agents, and most people didn’t quite know what to do with a memoir written by an adult man for a young adult audience. One agent caught Justin’s vision and signed on to represent him—only to request that he take the coming-out story out of the tale in order to better position it for the marketplace.

He refused, started his own publishing company, and published the book himself.

Jane Goodall co-hosted his book launch. He is working with bookstores all over the country on promotions. And he gets mail from kids all over the world thanking him for his inspiration.

In His Own Words

“Jennie Nash, you are a fabulous human, book coach, and editor. This book would have never existed without you. I am so grateful for you and all your support in my story and writing process. You have been such a champion, a cheerleader, and a shining light. You’ve helped me feel so damn empowered and see that deadlines and 4 a.m. writing sessions pay off.”

Read Justin’s blog about being coached on NaNoWriMo’s site.

Listen to me and Justin talk about his journey on Instagram.