How An Idea Becomes a Book

Download this free 45-page e-book to learn a nine-step process for moving from idea to book. It’s a great place to start if you have ideas swirling around in your mind and you’re not sure how to move forward — or if you really want to.


What’s a Book Proposal?

A book proposal is an argument for your idea, a business case for your project, a showcase of your expertise, and a declaration of your voice. It is used by nonfiction writers seeking literary agents and traditional book publishing deals.

The book proposal is generally used to make a pitch to agents and to publishers before the book is written. You use the proposal to invite an agent and publisher to invest in you and your project.

Click to watch my 15-minute video about the elements of a book proposal, or take 5 minutes to read about the elements, below


Book Proposal Coaching

Are you ready to write a book proposal? It’s what you need to get the attention of agents, acquisition editors, and readers. Learn about my Killer Book Proposal System.